02 July, 2006

I.S.T.R.Conference at Jaipur

III International Conference of Indian Society for Theatre Research


Jointly organized by
Department of Dramatics
Department of Modern European Languages,
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (Rajasthan)

January 4 – January 6, 2007


Theatre communicates with people directly, and that too, much more than any other literary form. The audience response to it has always been emotive and involving. This reflects largely on the fact that, 'Theatre pre-supposes the presence and participation of the people'. All literature and art is about the people as well as for the people (as recipients, appreciators as well as catalysts for social change), but at the same time it is also true that no other genre of literature/art is as much people-centric as drama. It has always been a medium of Popular Public Expression. It is this interrelationship between people and theatre, which elevates drama to a creative applied medium and saves it from being condemned to bookshelves. This calls for a continuous process of regeneration, growth and development of theatre, which by the very process of creation and presentation is essentially democratic and relates itself to democracy (not as a politico-electoral process) as a system that gives birth to, and promotes a new set of values. They are by their very nature bulwark against obscurantism, fascism, racism, and aiming at fostering equity and justice, rationality and respect for new ideas spirits of inquiry and wedding to truth.

The birth of Democracy, as an antithesis to the feudal order in the past, gave rise to a new form of social and political order. The new political order was largely progressive. The class set-up changed drastically, and so did their inter-relationships.

The popular theatre of Europe coupled the two forms of political and social order. It celebrated the heroic qualities of the lords and the kings, but at the same time also showed the process of their decay, degeneration and (imminent) downfall. Also, the Elizabethan drama introduced elements that could be called democratic. Shakespeare, at times may have vacillated between change and changelessness, between the desirability of change and the fear of change. Such a practice largely influenced the Indian theatre epitomized in the Parsi Theatre, especially when all the art forms were rallying against the colonial rule.

All major dramatists tried in their works to deal with the issues that are thrown-up by the new social and political order with all its concomitant pressure. They dealt dramatically with the relationship of man and society and the mobility of man to reach the level of self-fulfillment unless a specific form is given to a democratic order.

Today, the notion of democracy and the practice of theatre has become an ancient phenomenon in India, but the challenges of the contemporaneous demand the theatre to assume a greater significance. Racism, communalism and blatant attempts at establishing hegemony through unbridled globalization, democracy and democratic institutions, indigenous cultural ethos, the right to hold a view opposed to the hegimonistic neo-imperialistic stance and perception are too serious and ominous signals to be ignored and unheeded.

In view of the above, papers are invited to examine the Indian theatre scene under the umbrella of globalization with primary focus on paradoxes of democracy and it's Diasporas as well as the following issues which come in the fore ground and need to be discussed thoroughly and seriously:

Theatre and the Politics of Globalization
Theatre for Tomorrow
Theatre of Democracy: Cross-sectional Analysis
The Future of Freedom and Paradoxes of Theatre
Theatre under the Quest of Secularism
Democracy, Social Change and Theatre
The Victim of the Experiments in Democracy
Frontline of Terrorism and Indian Theatre
Gender Issues in Indian Theatre: Desperately Seeking Democracy
Indian Democracy and Theatre: Meaning and Practice

Format for Proposals

Proposals are invited for presentation in the general conference and for the Research Scholars’ Forum dealing with the subject. Papers must be no longer than twenty (20) minutes. Research Scholars may also submit short proposals for 10-minute papers on their research for presentation in specially organized sessions.

All proposals should contain: author; title; 200-250 word abstract; intended audience [i.e., General Conference, or Research Scholars Forum]; indication of technical facilities; brief biographical note on the author; full postal address; fax number and e-mail-address. The format for proposals should be sent by electronic mail at dramatics@uniraj.ernet.in along with a hard copy by fax or post to the Conference Office given below.

Deadline for submitting the abstract: 15 September 2006

Scrutiny of Abstracts and Acceptance Letters:
To maintain the academic standard of the conference, the Organisation Committee has decided to scrutinize all the abstracts. Acceptance Letters along with the Registration Forms will be sent electronically after the scrutiny of abstracts before 15 October 2006.

Deadline for Registration: 15 November 2006


Before 15 November:
General Participants: INR 1250
Research Scholars: INR 750
International Participants: USD 60

After 15 November:
General Participants: INR 1500
Research Scholars: INR 1000
International Participants: USD 75

The conference fee includes book of abstracts, access to all conference sessions, reception and refreshment breaks during the 3 days of conference, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Traveling Allowance:
Due to financial constraints, the request to provide traveling allowance cannot be entertained.

Dr. Ravi Chaturvedi, Coordinator, Department of Dramatics, University of Rajasthan
JAIPUR – 302004 Phone: 0141 2702639 Fax: 0141 2653883
Email: dramatics@uniraj.ernet.in